Mama Spotlight - Maha

Mama Spotlight - Maha

Building community is at the heart of Grace & Haven. Creating a haven for women, establishing the village that everyone talks about but few experience, learning from each other, pushing each other, supporting one another. We've been so blessed to meet some amazing women on this journey and I am so excited to begin to share some of them with you! 

Almost a year ago, as we were turning this dream into something real, we knew we'd need to photograph our products to bring them to life and establish a brand. We reached out to my friend and incredible photographer, Wendy at Willow & Wren Photography to help us bring our vision to life and began the search for models when Maha answered our call. Her son, then still an itty bitty thing, Aiden was the sweetest model and baby for our 1st photoshoot. He was so good through multiple changes and some learning curve and chaos on our part. We've been so blessed to watch him grow and to get to know his incredible mama. And we are excited to introduce them to all of you!

Maha with her beautiful family. This mama is a bright soul with so much love for her son and family. It is a privilege to know her.
Who Am I?
My name is Maha Brauch, and I believe in the power of positive impact. Whether it's through interactions with friends, acquaintances, or my work, I strive to leave every place and person a little better than I found them. At the core of my being, I find strength in vulnerability. I believe in opening up and sharing our struggles, as it not only lightens our own load but also creates connections that can help lift the burdens others carry. I've learned that embracing vulnerability can foster a sense of community and support. This ethos has guided me through my journey as a wife, mother, and member of the community. I live in Eden Prairie Minnesota with my husband of 10 years, David, our one year old son, Aiden, and our beloved spicy cat, Rollo. I moved to Minnesota from the UAE back in 2006 to pursue a university education, I would have ventured away but I married a Minnesotan and after all these years am happy to call the north country my home.

What's Important to me?
What's important to me is fostering connections and creating spaces where diversity thrives. I find joy in bringing people together, celebrating their accomplishments, and acknowledging the challenges we all face. In a world that sometimes feels divided, I believe in the strength of unity and shared experiences. And of course, it goes without saying my family serves as the cornerstone of my values and aspirations. As a mother, one of my greatest joys and responsibilities is nurturing and guiding my son, Aiden as he grows. I am committed to raising a sweet, kind-hearted boy who embraces his emotions, demonstrates empathy, and exudes confidence with a strong moral compass.
Maha & Aiden in a sweet mother & son moment while celebrating his 1st birthday
In a world that often imposes rigid gender stereotypes, I believe in challenging these norms and reshaping the narrative, especially when it comes to raising boys. My goal is to instill in Aiden the importance of compassion, empathy, and vulnerability. I want my boy to be unafraid to express his emotions, who understand the value of empathy, and possess the confidence to stand up for what is right. I am hopeful that he will grow into a man who embodies these values, contributing positively to his community and society at large. I see other moms doing the same and it makes me so proud, we are dedicated to changing the narrative and shaping a brighter future by raising boys who redefine masculinity. By nurturing qualities like compassion, empathy, and vulnerability, I believe we can contribute to creating a better world—one where strength is measured not by stoicism, but by the ability to connect, empathize, and uplift others.

Grace and Haven: A Haven for Connection :) 
Grace and Haven events hold a special place in my heart because they embody everything I value. These gatherings bring together women and families from various backgrounds, mirroring the beautiful tapestry of my own family. It's a bright, positive space where we can uplift and support one another, celebrating our achievements as mothers and women while also embracing the realities of womanhood.

My Favorite Grace & Haven Product: Organic Sleepers
Among the beautiful offerings at Grace & Haven, my absolute favorite has to be the baby and toddler's organic sleepers. These cozy, soft sleepers have become a staple in my son's pj collection. He adores them so much that he's even managed to wear a hole in one of them! The comfort and quality speak volumes, making them a must-have for any parent seeking the best for their little ones.
Aiden in one of his favorite Grace & Haven organic onesie. This one is without the feet so he can really work on that walking! But he loves his footed sleepers, too, and lived in them his first year!
Word of the Year: Declutter
In 2024, my word of the year is "Declutter." I'm passionate about simplifying my life and creating a more minimalist environment around me. By reducing physical and mental clutter, I hope to streamline decision-making and create space for what truly matters. My goal is to prioritize experiences that bring joy and create lasting memories with my husband and my son Aiden and our growing family.

As I reflect on my journey as a mother and member of the Grace & Haven community, I'm grateful for the moments of connection and the opportunities to embrace diversity. Grace & Haven has not only provided us with exceptional products but also a supportive community that resonates with my values. Here's to a year of decluttering, embracing simplicity, and cherishing the moments that truly matter.

With love and gratitude,
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1 comment

Beautiful – moms are the key in this world! ❤️

Natalie Ellis

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